No, I am not dead. I am just overwhelmed with school. Fortunately, Christmas Holidays begins next week (hurray!), so although I will have to work anyway (the last day to finish my research project is getting closer. Tic-tack, tic-tack…), at least I will have time to breathe.
It has been awfully rainy and cold the past three days because of a Siberian cold front. It’s not that I hate cold (I love visiting Moscow for Christmas, and that would be certainly a problem). I hate cold without snow. With that kind of weather, the best you can do is to curly up in your sofa, cover yourself with a blanket and read a book while sipping your hot tea (or chocolate, if you prefer it). I am looking forward my school break to do that. Instead of it, yesterday I had to curl up with a geography textbook (I had the exam today), and it lost most of its charm.
I can’t study without music. I don’t know why, but I got used to it….and now I just can’t concentrate in complete silence.
I haven’t cooked too much lately. Some days my mother does baked potatoes with extra ones for me without asking me before, and I can’t say no (could you?). When I have sweet potatoes in the fridge, I don’t need anything more and cooking something else seems just stupid. It’s a pity that a person can’t live just on sweet potatoes. On other days I just don’t have the time, or I am not at home. I have school until 14.30 every day except Thursday, when I have a split shift. Because I don’t have time to come back to home, I spend the hour and half I have in a café near school. The place is OK, but you still feel the bitterness of the coffee after adding the two packets of sugar. But some weeks ago I discovered another café (half an hour from school, tough) where you can order coffee with SOYMILK! I know people who live in vegan-friendly places will think it’s nothing out of this world, but apart from Starbucks (which you can only find in Barcelona, by the way) I don’t know any other café who offers it. So sometimes I just don’t come back at home until 6PM or so because I stay there doing homework. It is cozier, not as cold and smells better than the library. The only minus? They have nothing vegan to eat.
I know it sounds strange, but I concentrate better there than in a library and of course better than at home. I just can’t work at home. My mind seems to go somewhere else when I try to focus on some task. So it worth wait a little bit more to eat because I do twice as homework there.
And talking about coffee, I am working on a special post about this addictive and caffeinated drink. I thought about cooking something with coffee (maybe a dessert. I love how it enhances the flavor any cake!), plus collecting recipes from the web, some graphics (I found such a cute icons!) and extra stuff.
I know what are you thinking: “Stop pestering me and go on with the recipe” (sometimes I have to remind myself that this is a blog about food). So, for those you dislike chilly and rainy days, I have the perfect recipe today: a smooth, warm roasted chickpeas and zucchini soup!
Roasted chickpeas and zucchini soup
How happy I am to have found you?! I was doing a search for pelmini to make for Christmas and came across your blog. And you have a recipe for vegan pelmini! Well, I wasn't doing a search for vegan pelmini because it never crossed my mind that such a recipe would exist. But, I am vegan. And my family is from Russia. So, now we have that in common! Anyways, thanks for your blog. Keep it up. Happy holidays!
Hello, again. Thanks for visiting my blog. :) I had already made you one of my favorites, but I'm going to add you on as a link as well. Have a great week!
I also adore you blog :)
could you tell me please what's in chickpeas seasoning blend - I haven't got a clue but would like to try the recipe very much .
Warm regards
Hi Ola :)
Thanks for your lovely words! Reader's comments is what helps me to keep on blogging :D
Sorry for being so ambiguous with the seasoning, but the reason was because there are many brands (I used one called MDH Chana Masala) and many recipes that would work great: just use the spices you like the most :)
The ingredients list of the seasoning that I used is:
coriander, salt, dry mango, pomegranate seeds, chili, cumin, musk melon, black pepper, black salt, fenugreek leaves, cloves, mint, nutmeg, dry ginger, cinnamon, bay leaf, cardamom ammomum seeds, caraway, mace.
As you can see, is easier and much quicker to use a store-bought seasoning blend...although freshly ground spices are MUCH better. If you have the time, do it: they really make the difference. You can always do more than you need for the recipe and keep it in an airtight container.
By the way, I loved your photography portfolio very much :) Your photos are AMAZING :D I know how difficult it is to achieve a good and creative shot (usually I don't xD), and I take my hat off to people who can :))
I visited England four years ago in a student's exchange. It would be nice to go there again someday ^^
I'm kinda similar in that I also can't work or study in complete silence... A good music and preferably also a good drink (ex. pomegranate juice ^^) are crucial to my concentration :)
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