How are you? I hope you are less stressed than me. You know...finals exams never help to relieve your already stressed nerves. I finish school the 5th June, so there are only a few weeks left. For the people who are studying...when do you finish classes? Anyway, I suppose I won't have too many opportunities to rest in summer. Last Friday I went to a job interview, and hopefully they will employ me. It's a chain of hotels, located in Sitges called Matas Arnalot. The only job I can apply for, is waitress, receptionist or in the kitchen, because I have no experience (this would be my first job). So I don't expect a high salary.

As I told in my last post, I tried to sprout chickpeas. Well, luckily it turned out pretty good. I soaked them for one night, and sprouted during almost 5 days, until the sprouts where long enough. My first idea, when I began to sprout them, was to do raw hummus. Yes, I said raw hummus. It can sound strange, but raw (sprouted) chickpeas are edible! And I must say delicious. As I planned, I did the hummus, but I didn't use all the chickpeas there: I used the leftovers in salads. In the next post, two salads recipes where you can use it (in form of hummus or whole). My mother did a lot Sauerkraut, so I added it to both recipes. For people who don't know what it is, it’s fermented white cabbage. I will explain more in the next post ;)

Raw Hummus
There are as many recipes for raw hummus as recipes for cooked hummus, so you just have to find the proportions of garlic, tahin, lemon juice and spices you like the most. The only little inconvenient of raw hummus is its smell, quite strong. So don't worry, it doesn't mean that your chickpeas have rotten! Well, if the smell is very bad maybe they are really get off. You have to rinse it many times a day during the sprouting to avoid it. I served the hummus on puffed rice cakes, with peanut butter and pine nuts on top, and on red bell pepper. Try also with chopsticks of carrots or celery...delicious!
Recipe from The Veggie Guy.
-1 cup dried chickpeas
-1 1/2 cup water
-4 tbsp tahini
-1 tsp cumin
-Juice from 1/2 lemon
-2 cloves garlic, whole
*Soak dried chickpeas in water for 1 day. Drain. Let sit for 2 days, rinsing and draining once or twice per day. Chickpeas are ready when the sprouts are about 1/2 inch long.
*Bring 4 cups of water to a boil. Remove water from heat and let sit for 1 minute. Place sprouted chickpeas in the hot water for one minute; drain. (This step is very important. If you skip this, the hummus will be completely awful.)
*Place chickpeas, garlic, cumin, 1 1/2 cups water, tahini, lemon juice in a blender. Blend on high for at least one minute. If hummus is still not smooth, add a bit more water and blend again until smooth.

Foodista, the cooking encyclopedia
Hey! When do you actually have your final exams? I will have this week still "normal" in school and then two weeks of testweek and something else like sports. I'm luckily not so stressed about that, in fact this test week is going to be the easiest during the whole time I've been in high school. And it's soon holidays! My holidays will start 30th May, which is really soon. Unfortunately I didn't get (probably) any summer job. :/ I really hope you'll have better luck with it! :) However, good luck with your final exams as well. :)
Hi! Very cool name for a blog! And good for you to have studied (and learned) so many languages. I look forward to reading more!
Could you tell me what the benefit is of sprouting chick peas? I have never heard of this before.
MMMMM, I love hummus! Any kind will do. Your English is very good! Speaking it is very difficult and I can imagine that writing in English is even more so. Good luck with your final exams!
I followed your blog through the foodie blogroll and your blog and pictures are amazing!Hope you wont mind but I'd love to bring over Foodista readers to your site, just add this little widget here to this post and it's all set to go, Thanks! - Alisa@Foodista.com
Thank you for visiting my blog! Your english is fantastic, especially being a fourth language. I will be visiting your site again!
We have a slight difference of opinion and experiences. Raw sprouts have various characteristics. Chick peas make a slime that tastes awful, but is easy to wash. So instead of cooking in hot water for a minute, which will kill enzymes, rinse chick pea sprouts more frequently, and a few extra times at the final rinse before preparing raw hummus - or else it is NOT raw!
Other sprouts have special needs: Oats cannot be in water, need air. Most do best with some humidity, so we have been covering the trays. But some will grow fungus if too damp - experiment and post your findings, but avoid getting into hot water! Avoid turning this "Raw Experience" into "Junk Science."
Zack, I have already thought about the fact that it would kill de enzymes. But I rinsed them VERY frequently, but this is the only way I found to make them taste well and avoid digestion problems =S
But thank you for the recomendation and for stopping by. I will go on trying and experimenting :))
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